You discovered this blog and then, that it's a dead-in-the-water project. Yep, I understand your frustration, I hate that too.
Well, the issue is that while building the Paradox I had a change of heart of two or three things of great importance. One, I realised that I was getting older, 55 next month, and I wanted to not "waste time" building another boat. The other realisation I had, was that I wanted to do more blue water sailing.
I rashly bought an old Folkboat that I've since named bohemian (yes there is a blog), that I have patched together for a sail to my home port. I then hope to fit her out for offshore cruising.
The good news for Paradox lovers is that, I'm still keen to complete the build. Once I get my Folkboat sorted and get some sea miles under her keel, I will return to the Paradox build. I hope to use the Paradox as as retirement sailing boat. One I can bring home on a trailer and put under cover, but also launch easily and sail without doing monkey dancing on a heaving deck. There's a really good Paradox blog by a Brit sailor, once every while he throws stuff on board and chuffed off about the coast. Sometimes he catches up with other Paradox sailors. His name's Jim, and I want to do what he's doing except on the Australian east coast. So until then.