Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 Well, to say I put a lot of effort towards my two children is accurate, perhaps an understatement. 

Before I was left with  their  fulltime care (something they chose and I wanted), I did the lions share of parenting including homeschooling and their various hobbies and sporting interests. And yesterday was a day it seemed more worthwhile than usual. 

What with Covid 19 Andy son's indecision about a career path, he finds himself working alongside me gardening. On the back of months of developing his own  garden site on our property, he put on his nest day's work on the job ever. With  minimal direction, he saw work that needed doing and got it done. He even did it with  good humour to boot.  Well done Joe. 

Then when we got home my daughter showed me a video presentation of a client's horse that she had trained up and was about  to advertise to sell. The video was cracking good. Within an hour of posting  the ad she received three firm offers at 2.5 times the price that the client wanted. Her own business is growing fast, she is driven and good at what she has always wamted to do. 

Now I can go sailing with great joy on my heart.

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