Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Trailer Emerges in Spirit

 It's amazing how the mind controls feelings. Buddhists have an adage, some thing like; "It's not what happens to you in life, but your reaction to these events, that determine your Happiness".  

I have to admit that my feelings  about Knu's purchase have made me very Unhappy. Her poor condition, being dearer than the price I negotiated to buy her a year ago, and her situation in a rented mooring on an impractical location. 

However, as has been suggested, the Mind is a powerful thing. Just yesterday greatly relieved and energised by the prospect of avoiding heavy expense, improving Knu's condition and removong myself from the clutches of the Marine Consumer trap. This Brainwave came on the form of a YouTube video of a crafty Tiki 21 owner who converted a Hobie trailer to a expanding Tiki Toter. And so a Great Happiness and a

Golden Light was cast up on the Waters.

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