Friday, November 20, 2020

I Lost My Cat Pal

 My old cat Timmy the Tipcat has just passed away on the loungeroom floor. He was a bit off when I left the house two hours ago, now he's not here amymore and I realise I don't have a photo of him. 

   Each night after dinner he would up up on my lap for a pat. He liked a rough pat with lots of squeezing and firm pats. He would squirm around flashing his tail on my face and meowing and purring all the while. After he was done from inside with me, he would curl up alongside me on the lounge. 

  First thing  every morning he would run himself ragged meowing at the top of his lungs. He was not just hungry,  her was starving and needed food now. That used to annoy me,  but I will miss that.  

Goodbye Timmy Boy.