Sunday, March 22, 2020

Here's for a Hard Life!

After the glow of adolescence faded into early middle age, daily surfs, weekly football playing and training and a lifestyle based heavily on excitement, risk taking and exertion gave way to comfort and leisure.
Into life, I woke later, used a car more often, ate fatty foods, sat at home and at work. But the money poured in and I thought this was success. I was deluded by the consumer messages we devour from tv and put peers. Them the kilos mounted up around my body amd the healthy  lifestyle seems harder to achieve.
Then my wife of 29 years revamped and I had to work harder to raise money to raise my two teens and run the house on one wage ... and increasingly I rekindled my energy for sailing which had been discouraged. Vigour, and inspiration, physical and mental wellness sprang from the ashes. Perhaps, I have been rescued from an old age of rest, comfort and boredom? 
Eighty-something small boat sailor, building and innovator, Sven Yrvind has thoughts on comfort.

Many people misunderstand life. They think comfort is happiness, but unfortunately, that kind of happiness only works in the short term because, like drug abuse and instalment purchases, it burns energy intended for your future well-being. Those who enjoy effortless comfort are constantly deprived of energy. They lose strength, become lazier and fatter, have less good health and are more easily bored.
On his blog I have read that Sven regularly runs, bicycles everywhere, eats vegetarian and has no seating in hos home-workshop. Wise man. He is now building towards a voyage in a 4m boat, solo around the world. 

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