Monday, March 16, 2020

Ridder Builing 2

So here's the foiled and sanded blade. Made from two layers of marine ply, it's heavy
 There's no way it would float, but the plans call for a 3lg of lead to be moulded onto the bite out of the rear of the blade. I have two old ace heads that could be modified to fit the bill.
I do think their weights, combined with that of the blade, should be enough to withstand the forces during a round up in heavy weather. Besides, I do want to avoid working with lead. I melted down several hundred kilograms for a 25 foot keeler I fitted our years ago and it had me feeling quite  billious for a while after. And in those days of early adulthood I was a lot fitter, and there was no coronavirus to ward off.
I musn't forget to put a groove on the rear of the top of the blade for the rudder lift to go.

Feeling:  Inspired and energised.
Downers: Having to buy more epoxy resin.
Next: groove, add weight. Layer with 6oz glass

So here we are! Two old axe heads sliced  in Galveston the way to being used as ballast. Haha. Weight, just under 2.5kg so not far off the design requirement, but no lead being used. 

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