A picture tells a thousand words. So now I may say less?
Mark one, cut, trace and cut, then glue. The it needs to be shaped into a foil. I know foils from surfing and earlier bodywork. But, filling threat notch with 3kg off lead , I have no clue .
Next Stage: Foiling
Roughed out with plane. (Showing the notch on the trailing edge where lead is let in. ) Thos allows the rudder to stay down while underway. I read that the builder of the Enigma 460 prototype simply used a rope downhaul. One of the Paradox's crowning glories is that she makes do with just four pieces of rope: main halyard, furler, mainsheet and rudder uphaul. Adding a rudder downhaul would seem to diminish the simplicity of it all.
Better with belt sander
I'm tempted to saying something pithy like "the ply does not lie". What that simply means sixth at the various layers of ply are great indicators of depth and fairness. Of a join on the ply is wave, your sanding is off. Great fun, till I ran put of petrol for my generator
To be continued....
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